Беларус 80.1/82.1/82.2/82Р — Руководство по эксплуатации
Раздел 6. Правила эксплуатации и регулировки
To install a superreducer on the tractor,
proceed as follows:
1. Drain oil from the power train hous-
2. Remove the servo unit and clutch
control rod.
3. Remove the GB left-hand hatch cov-
4. Unmesh gear 5 (see Fig. 32), by
having shifted the spring ring (4)
backwards until it thrusts against the
shaft shoulder 1.
5. Place a gasket and the superreducer
(SR) on the GB left hatch. In doing
this, pay special attention to the fork
entering the SR engagement gear
slot; then, tighten with bolts. Place
copper washers, instead of spring
washers under the bolts which pass
through the superreducer oil cham-
6. Set oil intake.
7. Install the SR control rod, first pass-
ing it through the hole for the side
P.T.O. control rod in the cab floor.
8. Install the throttle control rod by
bringing it through a hole in the cab
floor (the hole is to be pre-drilled in a
fitting place).
9. Install and adjust the servo unit and
clutch control rod.
10. Fill in oil up to the level of inspection
hole plug, and add 10 l more.
With a superreducer installed, to get the
tractor moving, disengage the clutch,
throw into required gear, then, engage
the superreducer by pushing the control
rod down, release the clutch pedal and
se the desired travel speed by rotating
the throttle knob. To shift gears, return
the throttle control to its initial position,
then, back off four turns, depress the
clutch pedal, shift into gear, release the
clutch pedal and set the required speed
by the throttle and fuel feed.
Beside the above-given information,
make use of a user’s guide enclosed with
every SR piece to be shipped to the us-
Tractors Belarus 80.1/82.1/82.2 are
shipped with gearboxes not equipped
with installed superreducer drive. When
ordering a tractor equipped with a super-
reducer drive in the GB from the Manu-
facturing Works (MTZ), indicate the fol-
"Tractor Belarus 80.1 (or Belarus
82.1/82.2) equipped with a superre-
ducer drive." A conventional designa-
tion of such a tractor is: "Belarus
80.1.25" or "Belarus 82.1.25".
Superreducers are options to be pur-
chased separately from the tractor.