Section 3. Safety Requirements
Belarus 80.1/80.2/82.1/82.2/82
Р — Operation and Service Manual
lest the compression springs ex-
3.7.1. The tractor should be equipped
with fire-fighting equipment
spade and a fire extinguisher.
NEVER operate the tractor with-
out fire-fighting equipment.
3.7.2. The tractor parking lots, and fuel
and lubricant depots should be
plowed around to make a strip 3
m wide and equipped with fire-
fighting equipment.
3.7.3. Refill the tractor with fuels and
means, with diesel-engine fully
stopped. At night, make use of a
light-up facility. DO NOT refill the
fuel tanks using a bucket.
3.7.4. Clean parts and assembly units
from vegetable leftovers when
carrying out repair jobs under
field conditions, using electric arc
and gas welding.
3.7.5. Keep the manifold and silencer
clean from dust, fuel and/or
straw, etc.
3.7.6. DO NOT allow straw to be taken
up by rotating parts of the ma-
chines ganged with the tractor.
3.7.7. Take adequate measures that
eliminate possible inflammation
of flushing fluid vapors when
washing/cleansing parts and/or
assembly units.
3.7.8. NEVER operate the tractor in
fire-hazardous locations, with its
hood and other protective devic-
es removed from hot parts of the
3.7.9. NEVER use naked flame to heat
oil in the Diesel-engine oil sump,
as well as when refueling the fuel
tanks or burning out the core of
the radiator.
3.7.10. Whenever a place of spontane-
ous ignition is detected, cover it
with tarpaulin, sacking or any
other dense, thick material. Use
a carbon dioxide fire extinguisher
for the purpose. NEVER attempt
to put out burning fuel with water
3.7.11. Keep an eye that easy inflam-
mable materials are well away
from the exhaust manifold and
the silencer.
3.7.12. When making hay and straw, in
areas with higher fire-hazard,
use spark quenchers in the ex-
haust system, complete with a si-
lencer, or as a separate facility.