Belarus 80.1/80.2/82.1/82.2/82
Р — Operation and Service Manual
Section 7. Maintenance Procedures
1. Check the Pneumatic System for Air
Make a regular habit to check the pneumat-
ic system tightness after the tractor diesel-
engine stops or compressor turned off due
to the rate of air pressure drop in the
pneumatic system. For about 30 min. pres-
sure should not exceed 2.0 kgf/cm
MPa), as read on the pressure gauge on
the dashboard, from the lower limit that is
determined by pressure regulator settings.
If the pressure drop rate exceeds the
permissible value, be sure to locate leaks
by hissing sound of escaping air or by
successive application of soap emulsion
onto connections of the pneumatic sys-
tem. Remove detected leaks.
When doing jobs which do not require
use of the pneumatic system, turn the
compressor off. In 125 hours of tractor
operation (if the pneumatic system has
not being used during this period), turn
the compressor on and check the condi-
tion of the pneumatic system (function of
the compressor, pressure regulator,
brake valve, pneumoadapter, and its
2. Servicing and Checking the Com-
Every 2000 hours of tractor operation
(every other MS-3), remove the compres-
sor and have it sent to a workshop for
servicing or repair.
3. Washing the Pressure Regulator Fil-
In 500 hrs of operation (when carrying out
scheduled MS-2), flush through the filter
element of the pressure regulator. To do
а) unscrew bolts (1) (see Fig. 72) of the
side cover (2); remove gasket (3), air
bleed-off valve (5), spring (6 ) and gasket;
b) take out filter element (4) and wash it
in a solution of a cleansing agent;
c) after washing, blow it with compressed
air and let it dry;
d) at the same time, check the condition
of the working surface of the rubber ring
of the air bleed-off valve (5);
e) refit the parts previously removed in
the order reverse to that of dismantling.
4. Draining Condensate From the Res-
Every day on completion of work, when
air in the reservoir is under pressure,
drain condensate; for this purpose, pull
aside the ring of the drain valve located in
the bottom part of the reservoir.
If no pressure is maintained during the
process, draining would be incomplete,
thus, giving rise to possible corrosion of
its inner surfaces. Check regularly the
drainage valve and all the connections of
the reservoir for tightness. Also, tighten
up its fastening fixtures.
Fig. 72