Section 6. Operating and Adjusting Regulations
Belarus 80.1/80.2/82.1/82.2/82
Р — Operation and Service Manual
Starting the Tractor at Low Tempera-
tures (+4°
С and below)
To ensure against the
damage in the power train, NEVER push
or pull the tractor to achieve tow starting.
Your tractor is equipped with
an electric torch pre-heater or glower
plugs as an additional aid to assist the
diesel-engine start-up at lower tempera-
With an electric torch pre-heater in-
stalled, DO NOT use ether-based fluids
to assist cold starting. Using ether or
such fluids may result in explosion in the
induction manifold causing possible se-
vere personal injury or mutilation. When
ether means for easy starting are to be
employed, disconnect and insulate wire
leads of the electric torch pre-heater lo-
cated on the diesel-engine induction
The electric torch pre-heater is effective
within the ambient temperatures range
from +4 °
С to -20 °С. It consists of a res-
ervoir (1) filled with diesel fuel and a
heating element (2) (a glower plug, sole-
noid valve and nozzle).
When the pre-heater is actuated, the red-
hot plug ignites fuel in the suction mani-
fold and heats the air drawn in into the
The «S2» diesel-engines employ
glower plugs installed in the cylinder
With low temperatures standing, be sure
to use winter-grade oils in the diesel-
engine crankcase, gear box and the hy-
draulic system, in accordance with the
recommendations of the present Manual.
Keep the storage batteries at full charge.
Use clean water-free winter-grade fuels,
To avoid troubles, drain residue and
sludge from the fine fuel filter and the
fuel tanks.
Fill the fuel tank at the end
of each work period, to exclude formation
of condensate in the tanks.
When starting the diesel-engine
at low temperatures, a circulation pre-
heater may be used on a cooling system
filled in with antifreeze. Mounting parts of
the pre-heater may be ordered from your
dealer (distributor).