Artisan Technology Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE |
System User's Manual
4.6 Printing System Status Reports
If your system is configured with an optional printer, you can print a System
Status Report that provides information about current and recently removed
culture vials.The report is divided into three main sections:the top section con-
tains information about the instrument, the middle section contains information
on vials currently in the instrument, and the bottom section contains informa-
tion on vials removed in the past 24 hours.
The top section presents the following system/instrument information:
R e p o r t Name
P r o d u c t Name
D a t e and time that the report was requested
Instrument number
I n c u b a t o r temperature
S y s t e m software version
R i n g status (E indicates good, X indicates bad , and ? indicates an u n -
known state)
The middle section (Current Vials) presents the following information on vials
currently in the instrument:
S t a t i o n Number (the sort order of the report)
V i a l Barcode Sequence Number (if vial was entered manually by select-
ing media type, the last 8 digits are indicated with hyphens; digits 3 and
4 indicate the selected or scanned media type)
V i a l Status (+ indicates positive, = indicates ongoing,_ indicates nega-
tive, ? indicates anonymous [Sequence Number appears blank], and !
indicates error)
S t a r t of Protocol Date and Time
P r o t o c o l Length
E n d Date andTime (for positives, the Date and Time that system flagged
positive; for negatives, the end of protocol Date and Time; for ongoing,
error, and anonymous, blank)
T i m e to Detection in hours and hundredths of hours for positive vials
The bottom section (Removed Vials) presents ali of the fields named directly
above except Station Number.Vials that have been removed from the instrument
in the 24 hours preceding the report request time are included in this section.
Artisan Technology Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed I (888) 88-SOURCE I