Artisan Technology Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE |
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System User's Manual
Press the "configuration" soft key to return to the first setup display, or press the
"exit" soft key to exit configuration mode.
Save Data
to Disk (8/9)
U n d e r certain circumstances, Becton Dickinson will advise you to
save system data to a floppy disk.These circumstances include some
error conditions and system malfunctions. To use the function, i n -
sert a blank,formatted, write-enabled floppy disk in the disk drive.Then press the
"perform action" soft key.
Update Software (919)
111 F r o m time to time, updated versions of the system software may
be provided to you. New software should be installed as soon as it
is received, and logged on the form in Appendix C of this User's
Manual Updated program software is furnished on 3-112 inch floppy disk(s), la-
beled "BACTEC® 9050 System Software,Version y.yyz" (where "y.yy" is the soft-
ware version number, and "z" is the revision).The associated catalog number is
also printed on the label.
To install a software update, insert the floppy disk containing the new software
into the disk drive, then press the "perform action" soft key to initiate the up-
date. The system reboots and then immediately begins to update the system
software (provided the disk is formatted, is not write-protected*, and contains
either the same or a later version of system software). The names of any files
being updated appear on the LCD Display, as well as a progress indication.When
the update is complete, the user interface loads and you may proceed with nor-
mal system operation.
* N o t e that write-protection does not have to be disabled with version
1.1 o r later of system software
2.5 System Start-up
Whenever power is applied to the instrument, the system is initialized, performs
self-diagnostics, and reports any problems to the error file. If any files are missing
or corrupted which would prevent proper operation of the system, the start-up
process is aborted, If not, the computer loads the operating instructions and
begins culture testing.
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Artisan Technology Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed I (888) 88-SOURCE I