Artisan Technology Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE |
G Glossary and Abbreviations
dot matrix
Used to describe a type of printer technology.A dot matrix printer possesses a
print head consisting of a rectangular matrix of retracting pins. Characters are
formed by an array of these pins striking a print ribbon adjacent to the paper.
Transmission of information from a higher-level component to a lower-level one.
Delayed Vial Entry.A set of positivity criteria which compensate for the delay of
entry of vials into the instrument for testing.
Active or communicating.
An area on a display containing a discrete piece of information.The collective of
responses to fields is a file, or record.
A file is a discrete, unified collection of information. Some of the many different
types of files include: configuration records, program files, error logs, etc.
floppy disk
Synonym for "diskette." A floppy disk, or diskette, is a medium on which com-
puter information is magnetically encoded. For this reason, floppy disks should
always be stored away from any sources of magnetic interference, such as com-
puter monitors, power supplies, etc.
For floppy disks, formatting erases any existing information on the disk and pre-
pares the disk to receive data from the type of computer system on which it is
being used (e.g., IBM-PC',Apple Macintosh®, etc.).
The physical components of a system.The LCD Display, floppy disk drive. cables,
interface boards, etc. represent the system hardware. Compare to "software."
Designation for the hour of the day in 24-hour military (or international) format.
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