> D
> GB
> F
> I
> PL
If your entry was not unique or the
Navigation device was not able to
uniquely assign your entry, you will be
shown appropriate lists. You can then
select the address you want from these
Depending on your entry, lists with town
names, lists with street names or
combined lists with town and street
names can be displayed.
The following example shows a list in
which a town can be selected.
Entries identified with the
open up a further list when they are
selected. This can be necessary if, for
example, the same town name occurs a
number of times in the set country.
Once you have selected the town or
street you want in the lists, the menu for
entering addresses is displayed after a
short time with your entry filled in.
You can then start route guidance,
display the route or store the address as
described on page 50.
Live POI Search (model dependent)
With the Live POI Search your Becker
navigation device establishes a connec-
tion to our live Server. You have access
to millions of addresses in Europe.
You can choose between:
• A Live POI Search in the vicinity,
• A Live POI Search near to an address
• A Live POI Search near to a destination
Subsequent operation is similar to how it
is described in the chapter entitled Points
of interest on page 53, except that no
categories can be selected.
Points of interest
Points of interest (POI) are included in the
map and can be displayed there. Points
of interest include airports and ferry
ports, restaurants, hotels, petrol
stations, public buildings. You can use
points of interests as navigation
Voice entry can be restarted at any time
in the lists by pressing the
You can only select points of interest in
the area in question if the GPS reception
is adequate for determining a position.
Otherwise, the last position stored will
be used.
You can extend the places of interest
stored on the device by installing
additional POIs in KML format on your
device via the Content Manager.