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INFI-NET is a unidirectional, high speed serial data highway
shared by all INFI 90
nodes. The INFI-NET to INFI-NET inter-
face modules provide sophisticated interfaces for data exchange
between nodes on an INFI-NET communication network. These
network interface units use state-of-the-art INFI 90 modules.
Anyone who installs, operates or performs maintenance on the
INFI-NET to INFI-NET interfaces should read this manual
before placing an interface into service. Installation requires an
engineer or technician with experience handling electronic cir-
cuitry and who is familiar with communication networks.
The INFI-NET to INFI-NET interfaces are the INIIR01 INFI-NET
to INFI-NET Remote Interface and the INIIL02 INFI-NET to
INFI-NET Local Interface. The INNIS01 Network Interface Slave
Module is the front end of the INFI-NET to INFI-NET interfaces.
It is the intelligent link between a node and the INFI-NET loop.
The network interface slave (NIS) module and an INFI-NET to
INFI-NET transfer module create a specific node interface.
INFI-NET to INFI-NET Remote Interface
The INIIR01 INFI-NET to INFI-NET Remote Interface is made up
of the NIS module and the INIIT02 INFI-NET to INFI-NET Trans-
fer Module. This interface is a node on a central loop that can
communicate to an interface node on a remote satellite loop
(two interfaces are required, see Figure
). Bidirectional com-
munication from the central loop to the remote satellite loop is
through standard RS-232-C ports. The INFI-NET to INFI-NET
remote interface can support hardware redundancy. Refer to
for information on hardware redundancy.
This interface transfers system data, control and configuration
messages, and exception reports between the central and
remote INFI-NET loops. Many of the operating characteristics of
the INIIT02 module are determined by specifications in the
INIIT02 executive block (function code 202). These specifica-
tions are configurable to fit the needs of the application.
® INFI 90 is a registered trademark of Elsag Bailey Process Automation.