Avid ISIS Software Licensing
When installing a new Avid ISIS system, you need to activate the ISIS software with the Avid
License Control tool. If you have a dual System Director environment, you need to repeat the
procedure for each System Director.
If you are upgrading from an earlier version of Avid ISIS software which uses the USB
application key (dongle), you can continue to use that application key with your software
upgrade. New ISIS software continues to support existing USB application keys. USB application
keys are available as an option.
If you change your system configuration — for example, replacing a network adapter or
upgrading your operating system — you must first deactivate your Avid software. For
information on deactivation, see Deactivating the License.
New installations — if you are a new user and have never installed the Avid software on
your system, use the following instructions.
Your network administrator might need to open a few ports that are used during the licence
activation. The Avid License Control tool utilizes both port 3443 and port 443 for license request
and response communication. Port 3443 is the primary port, but if this port is blocked, the
Activation Service tries port 443 (which is more likely to be open for web communication).
Existing installations — if you are upgrading from a previous version of the Avid ISIS
software, your Avid ISIS software license remains activated. You do not need to reactivate
your Avid ISIS software license as long as you've previously activated a licence or have a
valid ISIS application key (dongle) connected.
Host name changes — if you change the host name of your system Director you must first
deactivate your license, delete the license binding file, and reactivate the license with the
new name, see
“License Requirement with Host Name Change” on page 113