Saving ISIS Metadata
If a firmware upgrade must be done and a redistribution in progress, do the following:
1. Suspend the active redistribution using the Advanced Commands in Workspace window.
2. Verify that the Workspace displays “redistribution suspended” in the Status column and all
other workspaces do not have “redistribution in progress” displayed.
3. Perform the firmware upgrade on the ISB(s) that must be upgraded.
4. Wait until the firmware upgrade is completed successfully.
5. Resume the redistribution using the Workspace window.
Saving ISIS Metadata
This procedure describes how to save the metadata stored on the system drives for the data
drives. You would typically only need to do this in a hardware replacement scenario, where both
System Director system drives are not going to stay with the data drives.
Regardless of how many Engines you have, all the metadata for all the data drives, in all of the
Engines, are saved on the System Director. The Engines do not store any metadata.
To save the System Director metadata:
1. Stop the System Director service using the ISIS Control Panel.
The System Director is constantly writing metadata. Metadata files are always open and locked,
so the best way to copy the metadata files is to stop the System Director service so the file are
2. Copy the Partition0 and Partition1 files from the following location on the System Director:
D:\Program Files\Avid\ISISSystemDirector
There is also a
file. This file is also helpful when identifying the data on
the data drives. If possible, include this files with the two Partition metadata files.
The following are a couple suggested ways of saving the Partition0 and Partition1
PartitionDump.bin files.
Use a USB flash drive that has the capacity for the Partition
files (4 GB recommended).
Create a network share on a client system on the network and copy the Partition
files to
that shared folder.
3. Verify that you have the current copy of the Metadata by comparing the date in the Metadata
tab of the ISIS control Panel.
4. Start the System Director service using the ISIS Control Panel.