Software Installation
The Macintosh client software installs an Avid_Uninstall folder. Use this folder only when
you want all of the Avid client files removed; including the preference files.
7. Install the client software following the on-screen prompts. Accept the defaults when
uncertain of any choices.
8. Restart the client when prompted.
The client software starts automatically when restarted.
Configuring Client Software
To mount workspaces on the client do the following:
1. Load the client software as explained in
“Loading Client Software” on page 98
2. Do one of the following:
(Windows) If the Client Manager icon is not available in the Windows taskbar, select
Start > Programs > Avid > ISIS Client > ISISClientManager.
(Windows) Click the Client Manager icon in the Windows taskbar.
(Windows) Right-click the Client Manager icon and select Avid ISIS Client Manager.
(Macintosh) If the Client Manager alias icon is not available, select Go > Applications,
and then double-click the AvidISIS folder. In this folder, double-click the
ISISClientManager.app file.
The ISIS Client Manager opens.