Subject to all of the matter set out below, Automatic Technology Australia Pty Ltd (“ATA”) WARRANTS for twenty four months
from the date of purchase (specified in the receipt sales docket) that the Garage Door Opener System contained in the accompa-
nying packaging (the “Product”) is free of any defects in material and workmanship rendering it unmerchantable.
This warranty referred to above applied only where:
a) the consumer seeking to rely on the said warranty;
1) returns the Product which it claims to be defective; and
2) presents the relevant sales docket and this warranty document,
To the retailer from whom the Product was purchased to confirm that date of purchase; and
b) the purchaser notified ATA or the retailer from whom the Product was purchased of the alleged defect in the Product imme-
diately upon experience or learning of the alleged defect.
Except for the warranty against defects in material and workmanship set out above, ATA gives no warranties of any kind what-
soever, whether express or implied or whether statutory or at common law, in relation to the Product, and all warranties of fit-
ness for particular purpose and other warranties of whatsoever kind relating to the Product are hereby declaimed. Without lim-
iting the generality of the foregoing, ATA disclaims any liability of whatsoever nature in respect of any claim or demand loss or
damage which arise out of;
a) accidental damage to or normal wear and tear to the Product or to the Product’s components;
b) flood, fire or lighting;
c) incorrect, improper or unreasonable maintenance and/or use;
d) installation, adjustment or use other than ATA which is not in accordance with the instructions set out in installation instruc-
tion incorporated in the document;
e) attempted or complete modification or repairs to the Product carried out by a person who is not authorised by ATA to carry
out such modification or repairs;
f) faulty or unsuitable wiring of structure to which the Product is fixed or connected; and
g) radio (including citizen band transmission) or any electronic interference.
h) blown fuses or damage caused by electrical surges.
i) damage caused by insects.
ATA’s liability under the warranty set out above is limited, at ATA’s absolute option, to replacing or repairing the Product
which ATA, in its unfettered opinion, considers to the defective either in material and/or workmanship or to credit the consumer
with the price at which the Product was purchased by the consumer.
Where the Product is retailed by any person other than ATA, except for the warranty set out above, such person has no author-
ity from ATA to give any warranty or guarantee on ATA’s behalf in addition to the warranty set out above.
ABN 11 007 125 368
17-19 Advantage Rd, Highett, Victoria, Australia , 3190
Ph: 61+ (03) 9532 2788
Fax:61+ (03) 9532 2799
E-mail: [email protected]
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