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To improve the illustration, the handle is shown without the se‐
lector lever boot for the following steps.
– Carefully install the -T40203- all the way into the handle -1-.
• The cut-out on the -T40203- faces the locking button and the
hook toward the left.
– Hold the handle -A- tighten and turn the -T40203- 180° in di‐
rection of -arrow 1-.
– Hold the handle tight and carefully remove the -T40203- in di‐
rection of -arrow 2-.
• While the -T40203- is being removed, the locking button -A-
on the handle will be pushed out and will lock.
• Do not touch the locking button anymore before installing the
handle so that the button does not fall back in.
Audi Q5 2008 ➤ , Audi Q5 China 2010 ➤
8-Speed Automatic Transmission 0BK AWD - Edition 04.2017
Rep. Gr.37 - Controls, Housing