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❑ Before removal, mark the ATF lines in relation to each other so they are not switched.
❑ The ATF lines are secured to each other
8 - Bolt
❑ 8 Nm
9 - Bracket
10 - ATF Line, Return
❑ Nuts on lines, 29 Nm
❑ From the ATF cooler to the transmission
❑ Before removal, mark the ATF lines in relation to each other so they are not switched.
❑ The ATF lines are secured to each other
11 - Bolt
❑ 20 Nm
❑ First insert the ATF lines with new O-rings by hand as far as the stop
❑ The retaining tab on the lower ATF line must lie on the transmission threads
❑ The retaining tab on the upper ATF line must lie on the lower one.
12 - O-rings
❑ Always replace
❑ Coat with ATF before installing
Audi Q5 2008 ➤ , Audi Q5 China 2010 ➤
8-Speed Automatic Transmission 0BK AWD - Edition 04.2017
Rep. Gr.37 - Controls, Housing