ChromaFlex Chassis – Operation Manual
ATX Confidential & Proprietary
5.6.5 Configuration Example (based on release 4.5 & later)
The modification of an attribute may take longer than the IPC wait time, in such case, the user will see “Request Sent” as
a response. In any case, the response from the set command does not guarantee the success of operation. The user shall
click on Readback to retrieve the reading back from the target chassis to confirm the new value.
Example: To modify the Attenuation of interface #4 of a Destacker Proxy module in slot 5.
1. From the Chassis Status page, go to Slot 5 Destacker Proxy and click on the Provision link. This will take you to the
modules Provision Page.
2. In the Provision Page; click on the Readback button of Attenuation Channel 4.
3. Observe the value returned in Response Box under the Response banner.
For example: The following text in the Response Box indicates a the timestampe of response reception, for command
“Attenuation” and the returned value is “+16.0 dB”.
4. Set the desired value in Channel 4 through typing the value in the text box or moving the slider.
5. Click on the Submit botton.
6. Observe the response displayed in the Response Box. Either “Request sent” or “Successful” is considered that the
command has been issued to target.
Figure 5-6 Example of Readback