TD 92579EN
15 February 2012 / Ver. H
Installation and Operation Manual
IP-DECT Base Station & IP-DECT Gateway (software version 5.0.x)
The full syntax is:
config change UP1 /url <url> [/poll <slow>] [/poll-fast <fast>]
If the URL ends with a '/' then a default filename is used based upon the product in
question. If for example the URL is "", it is expanded to "http://" (.../update-IPBL).
The product type name used is the one used in the Version line on the devices Info page.
Note that the extension is irrelevant, .htm or .txt or no extension at all may be used. On
some Web servers, URLs are case sensitive.
The maintenance command file is retrieved initially after the configured poll interval (in
minutes) is expired after boot. Short poll intervals can create substantial load on a big
network. A value less than 15 minutes (which is the default) is therefore not
However, for new devices (that is, devices which have been reset to factory settings and
never had a successful download of a maintenance command file), the command file is
retrieved every minute (for up to 30 minutes). This is done so that a fresh device can
quickly retrieve a site depending standard configuration when it is installed. You can
change this initial polling interval using the /poll-fast <fast> parameter (this is not
The /disc parameter can be specified to force the device to close the http sessions used
When the maintenance command file is retrieved, the commands found in the file are
executed in sequence. Theoretically, all commands which can be typed in to a telnet
session to the device or which appear in a config file can be used in the maintenance file.
However, in most cases, you will use config change commands and commands to the
UP0/UP1 modules.
The command file is executed every time it is retrieved (depending on the poll interval).
However, in most cases, you don't want it to be executed each time, but only once. For
example, if you are about to deploy a certain configuration change to all IPBSs, then you
want this change to be done once per IPBS only. This can be achieved by the check
mod cmd UP1 check <final-command> <serial>
The devices maintain an internal variable UPDATE/CHECK which is initially (or when the
device is reset to factory settings) empty. The check command will compare the <serial>
parameter with the UPDATE/CHECK variable. If it is equal, any further processing of the
command file is cancelled.
If it differs, the remainder of the file will be processed and, after the last command is
executed, the UPDATE/CHECK variable will be set to <serial> and the <final-command>
will be executed. The following commands are useful values for <final-command>:
Figure 1.
resets the device as soon it is idle
resets the device immediately
resets the device as soon it is idle, only if a reset is required
resets the device immediately, only if a reset is required
this is a no-op
Often, configuration changes shall be made only during certain times (e.g. non-working
hours). This can be achieved using the times command: