Double Termination
The lead ends of a double assembly are handled the same way a single assembly is handled.
The tail end requires a “Doubler Process”. This process is a two-step process. The first is the “Doubler”. This
station receives the first wire of the double and holds, it waiting for the second wire. When the second wire
arrives, the doubler again receives it. The doubler then places the two side by side. The strip clamp then takes the
double wires to the press for termination.
This process is selected for both tail ends. The machine will only terminate after the second wire of the double is
REMEMBER: The Double end process requires the Doubler as the first step and the termination device second.
Creating or editing a Wire
Before creating a new wire first make sure you select and load a part that is simular to the new one you are going
to make. This is because all the informtion is copied from the currently selected part to the new part.
To enter the Wire Properties screen click on the 3 dots next to the dropdown.
To create a new wire click new, and enter the name. Normally the name of the wire would be the same as your
company’s inventory number for the wire.