To go to the selection screen click the icon to the right of the terminal name.
The barcode is contained in the terminal information window. Click on the terminal icon to bring up the terminal
Window. Customers who are not using bar codes typically only use a limited number of generic terminal names
that they can select to get different terminal pictures. When using bar codes you must enter a specific terminal
name for each terminal you use.
To add a new Terminal name
1. Click New in the Select Terminal window.
2. Click the mouse in the Name field.
3. Either enter a name you would like to use or, scan in the bar code for use as your name.
4. Press the tab key or use the mouse to move the pointer to the Barcode field.
5. Scan in the bar code, if not using bar codes skip this step.
To change the picture of the terminal
6. Click the terminal Icon and all the pictures will be displayed.
(see section “Adding terminal icons” for
adding new pictures