Wire feeding speeds when ink jet marking is in use
When printing the maximum feed rate is determined by the chart below as long as printing is called for in the part
program. If a user programs a value of feed rate higher than below the machine will automatically use the value
shown below. These fonts are part of the Artos high speed font set installed in the printer. See also, document
“Verify ARTOS 9040 fonts installed.doc” and “Installation of ARTOS Fonts in a 9040 printer.doc”.
; 5x5/6 (small) normal font
; 7x5/6 (medium) normal font
; 11x6/8 (large) normal font
; 5x5/6 (small) chimney font
; 5x7/8 (medium) chimney font
; 6x9/11 (large) chimney font
When this pre-process is called up in a part the light or spark tester is turned on whenever the machine is pulling
wire. There can also be a signal back from the device to indicate a fault has occurred. When a fault does occur
the machine will either not start or it will shut down and it will display a message pre-process fault.
The Brady wire Wraptor is a labeling machine that wraps a label around the wire. The positioning of this label is
the same as the positioning of a hot stamp mark.
WM-6 mode – The Wraptor can only apply 1 label, unlike the WM-6 that can do two stamps. However this feature
may be useful if you need to apply just 1 label at the tail of the wire and you have many different wire lengths.
The marker will apply the label near the cut area of the wire. You just adjust the pre-process distance to get the
label in the correct place. The position will not change even if you change wire lengths. This type of label
positioning can also be done with table mark, the only problem is, that in table mark you would need to create a
pre-process for each different length of wire.
You can use section “HOT STAMP MARKER (HOT STAMP) to learn about programming the other 3 mark styles.
Single Label
This will apply the mark to the
leading end of the wire, 35 characters maximum