Emergency Stop buttons are located at both of the operation stations. When
depressed the machine will not run. Pressing the
Master Start
will cause a message
to be displayed indicating which button is depressed. To release the Emergency Stop,
rotate the button clockwise slightly. It will pop up.
All electrical enclosures must be kept closed and secured. Only authorized persons with appropriate training
should access these enclosures. In the event that it is required to access electrical enclosures with main
power on, only persons properly trained and familiar with acceptable Safety Regulations may do so.
When performing routine maintenance, adjusting, or cleaning, the machine must be electrically isolated
from the power supply.
Above all else
“Think Safety”
and insure that the machine is in fact safe.
Have the machine loaded with wire so that it will be able to do a wire feed in one of the steps below.
If any item in this list does not perform as stated the machine should be locked out and the appropriate
maintenance personnel notified.
Safety circuit check
1. Turn the setup key to run mode.
2. Close the machine guard.
3. Master start the machine. Press the E-stop button by the wire infeed.
a. The message “Infeed-station E-Stop” will appear on the screen
b. The orange master start lights turn off on machine operator stations and on the back of
each crimping unit.
c. The air pressure gauges on the front of the machine go to 0
d. The motors de-energize.
4. Master start the machine. Press the E-stop button by the wire outfeed.
a. The message “Outfeed-station E-Stop” will appear on the screen
b. The orange master start lights turn off on machine operator stations and on the back of
each crimping unit.
c. The air pressure gauges on the front of the machine go to 0
d. The motors de-energize.