Model 8640B
TM 9-4935-601-14-7&P
Table 1-2. Recommended Test Equipment (5 of 7)
Instrument Type
Critical Specifications
Suggested Model
RMS Voltmeter
Range: 10 Hz to 100 kHz
HP 3400A
Reading: True rms (ac only)
Voltage Range: 1 mV to 10V full
Accuracy: 1% of full scale 50 Hz
to 50 kHz
Scale: Voltage and dB
Signal Generator
Range: 0.45 - 550 MHz
HP 8640A
Output: >13 dBm into 50
Drift: <20 ppm/10 min.
SSB Phase Noise: >130 dB down
from 230 to 450 MHz increasing
linearly to >122 dB down at
550 MHz (stated in a 1 Hz band-
width at 20 kHz offset from carrier)
and decreasing approximately 6 dB/
octave for each divided down range -
but need not be less than 140 dB
Residual FM: <15 Hz rms in 20 Hz
to 15 kHz post-detection noise
bandwidth; < 5 Hz rms in 0.3-3 kHz
post detection noise bandwidth
Aux RF Out: >-5 dBm
Leakage: <3 µV induced in a 2-turn,
1-inch diameter loop 1 inch away
from any surface and measured
into a 50n receiver.
FM: dc coupled; at least 40 kHz
deviation for 1V input
Audio Spectrum
Range: 20 - 200 kHz
HP 141T/
Amplitude Calibration:
Display Accuracy: ±0.25 dB/dB
but not more than 1.5 dB over
70 dB dynamic range
Flatness: ±0.2 dB
Vertical Reference Scale: 10 dB/
division log, 2 dB/division (or
less) log, and linear display cali-
Average Noise Level: <-120 dBm
) with 1 kHz IF bandwidth
Spurious Responses: >60 dB down for
nominal specified inputs
*P = Performance; A = Adjustments; T = Troubleshooting
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