TM 9-4935-601-14-7&P
Model 8640B
CHANGE 26 (Cont'd)
Page 6-34, Table 6-3:
Change A26A2R35 to 0698-3447 RESISTOR; FXD, 422 OHM 1% 0.125 W F TUBULAR.
Add A26A2R40 0698-3157 RESISTOR; FXD, 19.6K 1% 0.125W F TUBULAR.
Page 6-36, Table 6-3:
Delete A26A4Q8.
Change A26A4R44 to 0757-0421 RESISTOR 825 OHM 1% 0.125W F TUBULAR.
Delete A26A4R54.
Service Sheet 12 (schematic):
Make the following changes to the A26A4 assembly.
Delete Q8 and R54.
Connect R44 to junction of R46 and the base of Q9.
Change R44 to 8252 .
Service Sheet 13 (schematic):
Make the following changes to the A26A2 assembly.
Change R35 to 42292.
Add R40, 19.6K, between the collector of Q9 and ground.
Page 6-25, Table 6-3:
Change AllC24 to 0160-2199 CAPACITOR; FXD; 30 pF + 5% 300 WVDC.
Page 6-36, Table 6-3:
Change A26A4R2 to 2100-2522 RESISTOR; VAR, TRMR, 10 K OHM 10% C.
Change A26A4R5 to 0698-0084 RESISTOR; FXD; 2.15 K OHM 1% 0.125W F TC = O + 100.
Service Sheet 9A (schematic):
Change AllC24 to 30 pF.
Page 6-13, Table 6-3:
Add A8MP47 08640-00100 INSULATOR, RF SCALER.
Page 6-23, Table 6-3:
Change A10A2R58 to 0698-3243 RESISTOR FXD 178K 1% 0.125W F TUBULAR.
Service Sheet 11 (schematic):
Change resistor A10A2R58 to 178K.
Pages 5-14 thru 5-17, paragraph 5-31:
Under REFERENCE, delete service sheet 16.
Under DESCRIPTION, delete all except the first sentence, and Note 1.
In Figure 5-1, delete the 10 dB step attenuator, 20 dB amplifier and spectrum analyzer.
Under EQUIPMENT, delete the spectrum analyzer, 20 dB amplifier and double-shielded cables.
Under PROCEDURE, delete steps 4 thru 11.
Page 6-5, Table 6-3:
Delete AlAIR5 and R6.
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