Model 8640B
TM 9-4935-601-14-7&P
CHANGE 10 (Cont'd)
Page 6-13, Table 6-3:
Add A8A1C5 0160-3879 CAPACITOR; FXD; 0.01 UF ± 20% 100 WVDC.
Change A8A1C7 to 0160-3877 CAPACITOR; FXD; 100 PF ± 20% 200 WVDC.
Add A8A1CR4, 5 1901-0050 DIODE; SWITCHING: SI; 80V MAX VRM 200 MA.
Page 6-25, Table 6-3:
Change A11R2 to 0698-3453 RESISTOR; FXD; 196K 1% 0.125 W F TUBULAR.
Page 6-30, Table 6-3:
Change A20Q4 to 1853-0224 TRANSISTOR; PNP; SI CHIP PD = 1W FT = 15 MHz.
Service Sheet 9A (schematic):
Change A11R2 to 196 k
Service Sheet 18 (Principles of Operation):
Comparator (A8A1):
Change the second sentence to read as follows:
"In the EXT counter mode, the external input couples into U5 through relay K2 and a diode network (CR2-
5) which protects U5 from large voltages."
Service Sheet 18 (component locations):
Replace Figure 8-55 with the attached figure.
Figure 8-55. A8A1 RF Scaler Assembly Component Locations (P/O Change 10)
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