Model 8640B
TM 9-4935-601-14-7&P
1-2. This manual contains the operating and service
information for the Hewlett-Packard Model 8640B Signal
Generator. The Signal Generator (with variable
modulation oscillator Option 001) is shown in Figure 1-1
with all of its externally supplied accessories.
1-3. This section of the manual describes the
instruments documented by this manual and covers
instrument description, options, accessories,
specifications and other basic information. The other
sections provide the following information:
Section II, Installation
: provides information about
initial inspection, preparation for use, and storage and
Section III, Operation
: provides information about
panel features, and provides operating checks,
instructions, and maintenance information.
Section IV, Performance Tests
: provides the
information required to verify that the instrument is
performing as specified in Table 1-1.
Section V, Adjustments
: provides the information
required to properly adjust and align the instrument.
Section VI, Replaceable Parts:
provides ordering
information for all replaceable parts and assemblies.
Section VII, Manual Changes
: this section provides
manual change information necessary to document all
prefixes listed on the title page. Also in this section is
information covering suggested instrument
Section VII, Service
: provides the information required
to repair the instrument.
1-4. Packaged with this manual is an Operating
Information Supplement. This is simply a copy of the
first three sections of this manual. This supplement
should stay with the instrument for use by the operator.
Additional copies can be ordered through your nearest
Hewlett-Packard Sales and Service Office; the part
number is listed on the title page of this manual and on
the rear cover of the supplement.
1-5. Also listed on the title page of this manual is a
"Microfiche" part number. This number can be used to
order 4 x 6 inch microfilm transparencies of the manual.
Each microfiche contains up to 60 photo duplicates of
the manual's pages. The microfiche package also
includes the latest Manual Changes supplement as well
as all pertinent Service Notes.
1-6. Instrument specifications are listed in Table 1-1.
These specifications are the performance standards or
limits against which the instrument can be tested.
Paragraph 1-17 lists some supplemental performance
characteristics. Supplemental characteristics are not
specifications but are typical characteristics included as
additional information for the user.
1-8. This instrument has a two-part serial number. The
first four digits and the letter comprise the serial number
prefix. The last five digits form the sequential suffix that
is unique to each instrument. The contents of this
manual apply directly to instruments having the same
serial number prefixes as listed under SERIAL
NUMBERS on the title page.
1-9. An instrument manufactured after the printing of
this manual may have a serial prefix that is not listed on
the title page. This unlisted serial prefix indicates that
the instrument is different from those documented in this
manual. The manual for this instrument is supplied with
a yellow Manual Changes supplement that contains
"change information" that documents the differences.
1-10. In addition to change information, the supplement
may contain information for correcting errors in the
manual. To keep this manual as current and accurate
as possible, Hewlett-Packard recommends that you
periodically request the latest Manual Changes
supplement. The supplement for this manual is keyed
to this
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