Model 8640B
TM 9-4935-601-14-7&P
CHANGE 11 (Cont'd)
Page 6-39, Table 6-3:
Change W16 to 8120-1593 CABLE; SHLD 5-COND 22 AWG.
Service Sheet 22 (Principles of Operation):
Change the first sentence as follows:
" . . . formed by R5, R6, and R7 and is referenced to the Voltage across VR6."
Service Sheet 22 (component locations):
Replace Figure 8-68 with the attached figure.
Figure 8-68. A22 +20V and -20V Regulator Assembly Component Locations (P/O Change 11)
Service Sheet 22 (schematic):
Change the part number for A22 to 08640-60177 (2 places).
Change the part number for the voltage regulator (Note 1) to 1826-0177.
Replace the appropriate portions of schematic with the following partial schematics.
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