NOTE: The engine/transmission does not have to
be removed from the frame for this procedure.
Removing Right-Side
A. Outer Magneto Cover
B. Water Pump
C. Cover
D. Rotor/Flywheel
1. Remove the four cap screws securing the outer mag-
neto cover to the right-side cover; then remove the
outer magneto cover.
2. Remove the flange nut securing the bushing to the
crankshaft; then remove the bushing. Account for the
O-ring inside the spacer.
3. On the XT using a cold chisel, scribe a mark show-
ing the relative position of the shift arm to the shift
arm shaft to aid in installing; then remove the shift
4. Remove the cap screws securing the speed sensor
housing to the crankcase and remove the housing
assembly; then remove the snap ring securing the
speed sensor trigger to the shaft and remove the trig-
ger. Account for the gasket.
NOTE: It may be necessary to use a small two-jaw
puller to remove the trigger.
5. Loosen the clamps securing the coolant hose to the
water pump; then remove the crossover tube from
the cylinder head. Account for an O-ring.
6. Remove the two cap screws securing the water pump
to the engine; then remove the water pump.
7. Remove the cap screws securing the right-side cover
to the crankcase noting the location of the differ-
ent-sized cap screws for installing purposes.
8. Using an appropriate side case puller, remove the
side cover. Account for a gasket and two alignment
9. Remove the nut securing the magneto rotor to the
crankshaft; then install the magneto rotor puller
NOTE: The puller has left-hand threads.
10. Using Magneto Rotor Remover Set and the appropri-
ate crankshaft protector, remove the rotor/flywheel
assembly from the crankshaft. Account for the key;
then remove the starter clutch gear assembly and