8. Apply grease to the lips of the shift shaft seal in the
speed sensor housing; then using a new gasket,
install the speed sensor housing and secure with the
cap screws. Tighten in a crisscross pattern to 8 ft-lb.
9. With the O-ring properly positioned, install the water
pump. Secure using the two existing cap screws.
NOTE: The longer cap screw goes on the top of the
water pump.
10. Install the coolant hoses and secure with the hose
11. Install the spacer washer on the crankshaft; then
install the starter ring gear.
12. Place the key into the keyway in the crankshaft; then
wipe all oil from the crankshaft surface and rotor/fly-
wheel bore and install the rotor/flywheel onto the
crankshaft aligning the keyway with the key. Secure
with the nut (coated with red Loctite #271) tightened
to 105 ft-lb.
13. Install the starter driven and counter gear shafts (D)
into the crankcase (longer shaft to the front); then
install the starter countershaft gear (C), starter driven
gear (A), and bushing (B) making sure the cham-
fered gear teeth on the countershaft gear are directed
14. Install the starter motor with a new O-ring lightly
lubricated with grease; then tighten the mounting cap
screws to 8 ft-lb.
Make sure the one-way starter clutch is properly
engaged with the starter ring gear before installing and
tightening the rotor/flywheel nut or damage to the
clutch assembly could occur.