NOTE: If the cover is difficult to remove, pry on the
cover in more than one recessed location.
4. Remove the splined coupler, shifter fork, pin, and
spring of the differential lock assembly and set aside.
Note position of parts for assembling purposes.
5. Remove the left differential bearing flange assembly
and account for a shim. Mark the shim as left-side.
6. Place the differential with the open side down; then
lift the housing off the spider assembly. Account for
shim(s) and mark as right-side.
Disassembling Pinion Gear
NOTE: Any service of the pinion gear or related
bearings will require a new gear case/differential
housing. The removal of the lock collar severely dam-
ages the threads in the housing.
1. Using the 48 mm Internal Hex Socket, remove the
lock collar securing the pinion gear assembly.