Installing Left-Side
A. Starter Clutch/Gear
B. Rotor/Flywheel
1. If removed, place the crankshaft bearing retainer into
position. Apply red Loctite #271 to the three cap
screws. Install and tighten the three cap screws
2. Install the starter motor and tighten the two cap
screws to 10 ft-lb.
3. Install the shift detent cam making sure the washer is
4. Install the shift detent cam arm and spring.
5. Install the gear shift shaft assembly and washer mak-
ing sure to align the alignment marks.
6. Install starter idler gears (1) and (2).
7. Install the starter clutch gear onto the crankshaft;
then install the rotor/flywheel key in the crankshaft.
8. Install the rotor/flywheel and secure with the nut.
Tighten to 107 ft-lb.
C. Magneto Cover
D. Water Pump
NOTE: Steps 1-8 in the preceding sub-section
must precede this procedure.
9. Install two alignment pins and place the magneto
cover gasket into position. Install the magneto cover.
Noting the different-lengthed 6 mm cap screws and
the location of the two internal cap screws, tighten
the cap screws in a crisscross pattern to 8 ft-lb.