WorldCast Equinox - Release 3.1 - user manual
– 07/2011
Page 138
Whiterock Business Park - 729 Springfield Road - Belfast BT12 7FP - Northern Ireland
Tel.: +44 28 9067 7200 | Fax: +44 28 9067 7201 |
When using a multicast or simplex connection, backup to X21 or ISDN is not possible. This is
due to the nature of simplex connections and how the backup feature works.
When using 16 bit and 24 bit linear audio you must use a large packet. Use at least 384 byte
packets for 16 bit linear
– you will have to use 768 byte packets for 24 bit linear stereo audio.
A QoS value can also be entered
– this value will be provided by your network provider if you have contracted
with them to provide end to end quality of service
. You can also enable duplicate transmit
streams by checking the Enable Route x check boxes
– up to 7 additional routes can be selected.
Selecting the Remote Tx
Hardware Type from the dropdown allows you to configure the transmit bit stream for IP legacy or for IP Lega-
cy 3
party. 3
party mode essentially changes the bit order on the outgoing audio stream
– which is different
for different
manufacturer‟s codecs.
The guide for which firmware version work with each mode are outlined below:
IP Legacy
: IP Legacy mode should be used when communicating with APT units which do not use the NACIP
complaint IP streams. The following firmware versions or earlier should be used with this mode:
Horizon 1.36 or earlier
Oslo 2.3 or earlier
Equinox/Meridian 1.17x or earlier
IP Legacy 3
: IP Legacy 3
party mode should be used when communicating with older firmware 3
party units, i.e. units which do not support NACIP complaint IP streams. This would include codecs such as
the APT WorldNet Tokyo and the Mayah Centuari.
Once you have entered all of the IP speed dial information click to config-
ure the WorldCast Equinox
If you decide not to configure the IP speed dial click to revert back to the
old information
It is possible that configuring IP speeddials (which are saved to the unit„s flash memory) may
cause glitching of the audio in a live IP connection.
When using 24 bit linear audio the onboard processor is running at almost full capacity
– using
the front panel or connecting to the unit using the NMS may cause glitching in the audio. Using a
larger packet size will reduce the effect of this.
If additional TX routes are enabled (multiple unicast) and the user then decides to have a mul-
ticast connection, ensure that the multicast and any of the multiple unicast routes are not transmitting
to the same unit. If this happens, audio glitching could happen.
MPEG algorithms will configure pre-defined packet sizes despite the settings which the user
has set
– this is normal when using IP NACIP or SIP modes. This is for compliance with the EBU
specification for NACIP guidelines. When using speed dials, it is vital to check your settings to en-
sure they are valid.