6 Functional Components
Monitor mode
If you have not started a measurement yet, or if you have terminated a
measurement by tapping <Stop>, the instrument is in the monitor mode and
shows a continuous reading of the current measuring values.
Measuring mode
If you have started a measurement, the continuous measuring values are shown
until the measurement is finished. The final values are frozen until the next
measurement is started. To unfreeze the screen, tap the
Operating Elements of the Menu Screen
To access the menu, tap <Menu> in the main screen.
Fig. 6 - 5
Menu screen example
On the left side of the header, you find the navigation path to your current position
in the menu. You can go back to any menu position in your current path by directly
tapping on the respective box of the navigation path.
Content area
In the content area, you find the menu options of the current menu level and the
menu dialogs.
Buttons area
The buttons at the bottom of the screen have different functions depending on the
current menu or dialog.
Buttons area