SmartLine Management Software
SmartLine 16 User’s Guide
If you have established communications using the Hayes-Compatible
selection, you may wish to return to this window. Using trial-and-error,
you may find a selection that produces better throughput. You also can
insert a custom entry into the data base by selecting Add from the
Utilities menu at the upper-left part of this window. Use your modem
manual as a guide.
You can dial or hang up after specifying your modem type by selecting
these items from the Communications menu.
The default asynchronous serial communications parameters are:
data bits = 8
parity = none
stop bits = 1
flow control = Xon/Xoff
baud = 2.4K*, 4.8K, 9.6K, 19.2K, or 38.4K (*defaults to 2.4K;
Autobauds to any other rates)
5.4 SmartLine Management Software
Window Features
Figure 5-5 shows the window that appears when you launch the
SmartLine Management software. In typical Windows style, the
window has a top menu bar containing all the possible operational
selections and a button bar containing only the selections found in
the Control menu.
Information about the software activity appears in the Status Bar at
the bottom of the SmartLine Management Software window.
Commands to and from the modem appear on the left side of the bar.
This allows you to view the status of your modem connection.
Two indicators, labeled Tx and Rx, appear on the right side of the
bar. These indicators turn on and off with communications to and
from the selected device. During normal communications, you
should observe activity on both indicators. A loss of activity on one
or both indicators points to an associated loss of communications.