Chapter Five
Management Software
Andrew supplies SmartLine Management Software with the
SmartLine Token Ring products. This Windows-based software
allows you to manage all your SmartLine products out-of-band from
a master unit in a given stack. A cascaded stack may contain a mix of
SmartLine 16 and SmartLine 8122 units (see Figure 3-3). SmartLine
Management Software offers the following features:
Display Front Panel Status
A graphic view of the front panel of a
Selected SmartLine device appears
on your monitor, showing you the
state of each LED and switch.
Lock or Unlock ports
You can control access to individual
ports. Without this software, you
would need to turn off a workstation
or unplug a port to accomplish this
Perform Hardware Resets
A Reset returns a selected product to
factory default settings.
Obtain Revision data
This data includes both hardware and
software revisions and the date of
Download Code
This facility makes SmartLine 16s
easily field upgradeable to the latest
operating microcode.
Issue ID signaling
By causing an LED to flash, a service
technician can easily find an
associated device in what could
otherwise require a search through a
maze of equipment and cabling.