AMK Solac 11252 DeltaSol_BX.monen.ind
Level 5
Tube collector function
COL / OTCO (1, 2)
Tube collector function
Selection: ON / OFF
Factory setting: OFF
COL / OTCO (1, 2) / TCST
(1, 2)
Starting time
Adjustment range:
00:00 ... 23:00
Factory setting: 07:00
This function helps overcome the non-ideal sensor position
with some tube collectors.
This function operates within an adjusted time frame,
beginning at
and ending at
. It activates the
collector circuit pump for an adjustable runtime (
between adjustable standstill intervals (
) in order to
compensate for the delayed temperature measurement.
If the runtime
is set to more than ten seconds, the
pump will be run at 100 % for the fi rst 10 s of the runtime.
For the remaining runtime, the pump will be run at the
adjusted minimum speed
If the collector sensor is defective or the collector is blo-
cked, this function is suppressed or switched off.
COL / OTCO (1, 2) / TCIN (1, 2)
Standstill interval
Adjustment range: 5 ... 60 min
in steps of 00:01
Factory setting: 30 min
If the drainback option ODB is activated, the
tube collector function
will not be
COL / OTCO (1, 2) / TCEN (1, 2)
Ending time
Adjustment range:
00:30 ... 23:30
in steps of 00:30
Factory setting: 19:00
COL / OTCO (1, 2) / TCRU (1, 2)
Adjustment range: 30 ... 300 s
in steps of 5 s
Factory setting 30 s
2-collector systems
In 2-collector systems, the tube collector function is availa-
ble for each collector fi eld (
If one of the collector fi elds is being loaded, the heat transfer
fl uid fl ows through the inactive fi eld and only the correspon-
ding relay is energised.
Multi-store systems
If the tube collector function is activated, the speed of
the solar pump will decrease to nLO during the loading
break time. The solar loading of the subordinate store will
In 2-collector systems, during the loading break time the
collector fi eld which has been active before the loading
break time remains active during the loading break time,
unless the tube collector function of the inactive fi eld be-
comes active.
Antifreeze function
COL (1) / OCFR
Antifreeze function
Selection: ON / OFF
Factory setting: OFF
Since this function uses the limited heat quantity
of the store, the antifreeze function should be
used in regions with few days of temperatures
around the freezing point.
COL (1) / OCFR / CFR O
Antifreeze temperature on
Adjustment range: -40 ...+8 °C
Factory setting: 4 °C
COL (1) / OCFR / CFR F
Antifreeze temperature off
Adjustment range: -39 ...+9 °C
Factory setting: 5 °C
Sensor selection
Selection: 1, 2
Factory setting: 1
in 2-store systems only
The antifreeze function activates the loading circuit between
the collector and the store when the temperature falls be-
low the adjusted temperature
. This will protect the
fl uid against freezing or coagulating. If
is exceeded,
the solar pump will be switched off again.
The antifreeze function will be suppressed if the store tem-
perature of the selected store falls below 5 °C. In 2-store
systems, the function will switch to the second store, in
systems with store loading in layers, it will switch to the
upper store zone. If the temperature of the second store
(or of the upper store zone respectively) also falls below
5 °C, the system will be switched off.
This function can only become active if the
store temperature is higher than the collector