8. Function Setting
(8) Displaying Present Values (6=Manual)
Displays the present values of the load cell and displacement sensor.
Also, manually sets the load cell and the displacement sensor to zero.
F1, F2, D1, and D2 values are not cleared by initialization.
a. Display item
When FUN, 6 and ENT keys are pressed in this order, the LCD display
becomes as shown below. (Screens for 2-axis type are shown below.)
F1: 1-axis force
F2: 2-axis force
D1: 1-axis displacement D2: 2-axis displacement
b. Zero setting procedure of load cell
Move the cursor to the axis to set to zero (F1 or F2) with
Let the load cell in zero pressure.
When ZSET key is pressed, 0 is displayed. The zero setting is complete.
Caution: Do not do the zero setting with applying pressure. Since the zero
display will get wrong, do not set to zero many times.
c. Zero setting procedure of displacement sensor
Move the cursor to the axis to set to zero (D1 or D2) with
When ZSET key is pressed, 0 is displayed. The zero setting is complete.
Caution: Be sure to do the zero setting after power-on.