4. Explanation of Screens
Modulation duty ratio = t/T x 100 [%]
(e) Weld1 up/down pulse modulation ON/OFF
Select whether to apply pulse modulation to the welding current in the UPS
(up-slope) and DWS (down-slope) sections of the first welding.
[Initial value: OFF]
Waveform sample when the UPS/DWS pulse modulation is applied.
(f) Weld1 base current [A]
In the effective section of pulse modulation, modulation is performed by using the set
value as the minimum current value. When the base current value is higher than the
welding current value, modulation is not performed. The setting range is 15 ~ 300
[A] (in unit of 1 [A]).
[Initial value: 15 [A]]
(g) Screen return switch
The Welding condition setting screen is displayed.
(h) Screen return switch
The Schedule setting screen (2/2) is displayed.
(i) Number of Retries (High-voltage start only)
When the initial current detection error or the short check error occurs at a
high-voltage start, a high-voltage trigger is applied again and the number of times to
retry the welding operation can be set. The setting range is 0 ~ 5 [count]. When
“0” is set, the retry operation is not performed. [Initial value: 1 [count]]
Base current value