Notification of Risk Information
At all times
[Source of risk]
Rotary part of the wire supply unit
[Contents of risk]
If hands, fingers, hairs or clothes are brought near the rotary part
of the wire supply unit, they may be rolled into it.
[Protective measure]
While the power supply of the welding machine is ON, do not bring
hands, fingers, hairs, clothes, etc. close to the rotary part.
At all times
[Source of risk]
Arc discharge of the wire supply unit
[Contents of risk]
If the wire supply unit and a workpiece are electrically connected,
a high voltage may be applied through the wire, thereby causing
an arc discharge and a fire in an unexpected place.
[Protective measure]
Perform insulation between the wire and the workpiece.
[Source of risk]
Welding jig
[Contents of risk]
Electrification is performed neat the welding jig. If a person
touches such a place, an electric shock may occur.
[Protective measure]
Perform grounding so as not to allow a workpiece or the welding
jig which is electrically connected with a workpiece to be an
electrified part.
During welding operations or just after welding operations, do not
touch the welding jig and area around the welding jig.
[Source of risk]
Electromagnetic wage from the welding power supply and torch
[Contents of risk]
In the case of a person using an electronic medical device such as
pace maker and germ eliminating device, the operation of an
electronic medical device may be affected by the electromagnetic
wave generated during arc discharge.
[Protective measure]
Those who use any electronic medical device must not approach
around the welding machine or welding operation place without a
doctor’s permission.
If they feel unwell or are out of order, leave the place at once.