HM 6Split
HM 12Split
Section 10 |
For the following functions to work the USB memory
must contain files with software for the controller.
A software update does not reset the menu settings
in the controller.
If the update is interrupted before it is complete (for
example power cut etc.), the software can be reset to
the previous version if the OK button is held in during
start up until the green lamp starts to illuminate (takes
about 10 seconds).
USB service outlet
The display unit is equipped with a USB socket that
can be used to update the software, save logged in-
formation and manage the settings in the controller.
The fact box at the top of the display shows informa-
tion (always in English) of the most probable update
that the update software has selected form the USB
This information states which product the software is
intended for, the software version and general infor-
mation about them. If you wish to select another file
than the one selected, the correct file can be select-
ed by "choose another file".
start updating
Select “start updating" if you want to start the update.
You are asked whether you really want to update the
software. Respond "yes" to continue or "no" to undo.
If you responded"yes" to the previous question the
update starts and you can now follow the progress of
the update on the display. When the update is com-
plete the controller restarts.
This allows you to update the software in the con-
When a USB memory is connected a new menu
(menu 7) appears in the display
Menu 7.1 - update firmware