Version October 2014
agru SP 63-mobile User’s Manual
cally. The heating element has to be removed manually from in-between
the components and the removal, confirmed by pressing START/SET as
soon as the [SET] option appears on the screen. It being confirmed, the
carriage closes in again at the defined jointing force (see Display 16).
The welder has to monitor the change-over and must abort welding by
pressing STOP/RESET, in case a malfunction occurs.
4.7.6 Joining
In the joining stage (or, fusion stage) the machine increases the applied
force in accordance with the force ramp calculated for the joint. This
stage is also indicated on the screen.
4.7.7 Cooling
When the full joining force is reached, the machine moves on automati-
cally to the cooling phase (see Display 17). The cooling time is displayed
as it progresses. During cooling, the applied joining force is constantly
4.7.8 End of Welding
After a successful welding operation, the applied force is released, and
the pipes can be taken out of the clamps. The screen tells you so.
If no error was detected during the welding process, the machine allows
the welder to evaluate the joint by visual check (see Display 18).
When this prompt is responded to by pressing START/SET, the machine
displays the most important welding data. Then, the joint can be declared
sound by pressing START/SET or poor, by pressing STOP/RESET. Right
after this assessment, a label tag is printed off for the joint.
When the label tag has been printed, the machine shows all errors it
has registered since the heating element was removed for the change-
over stage, or, that no error occurred at all. This info message can be
acknowledged by pressing the START/SET key.
5.12 Using ViewWeld to Manage Logged Welding Reports and Print
The ViewWeld feature offers viewing an abstracted version of the welding
reports recorded during the welding processes and printing it as a label
tag to be affixed to the joint on the tag printer. The ViewWeld abstract
shows the report number, year of machine manufacture, and identifier for
the serial number, separated by the letter “m”, parameters of the welded
material, the date and time of the welding, along with an evaluation of
the quality of the joint/welding operation as o.k. or with errors (see Dis-
play 19; “PH” meaning “preheated”), where the first displayed abstract
is that of the last performed welding operation.
To call the ViewWeld abstract of a welding report, press the
key in
the default screen (see Display 3). Browsing through the saved welding
reports is then possible by pressing the
cursor keys. The machine
will “jump” by 1, 10 or 100 reports depending on how long the key is
held down. To print a tag of the welding operation of which the abstract
is currently displayed, the label tag printer has to be connected to the
welder. Then press the START/SET key in the ViewWeld screen.
If a USB stick is inserted into the appropriate port while the ViewWeld
abstract is showing, the currently displayed report can be downloaded to
the stick. The desired file type still has to be selected (see at the begin-
ning of Sect. 5 for reference), and the download starts.
Display 16
***** Joining ******
25°C Nom. 9N
25°C Act. 10N
5/ 2s
Display 17
***** Cooling ******
25°C Nom. 96N
25°C Act. 96N
50/ 20s
Display 18
Remove pipes
for visual check
Display 19
*** 00025m14.587 ***
PE-HD 63mm 5.3mm
28.10.2014 16:44