Version October 2014
agru SP 63-mobile User’s Manual
Display 10
****** Facing ******
Insert facer pos. 1
147N 3.0mm
[RESET] [<->] [SET]
Prior to fastening or unfastening the mechanical structure, discon-
nect all electrical and control cables; reconnect only when done.
A second step of fastening the mechanical structure to the base plate,
when it is not planned to use it separate from the plate, is to lock the
plates to each other by sliding the one into the other and securing
it using the locking ball pins at the front right and back left corner
of the plate of the electronic control unit (see drawing to the right,
which only shows the locking ball pin at the rear). To unlock a
locked pin, push down the head of the pin inside the head.
To conclude the preparations of the welding process, connect the
two control cables: the one shown on the drawing to the right to the
connector at the back of the mechanical structure and the one from
the heating element to that on the right-hand side — when looking
at the keypad — of the electronic control (see Sect. 3.2.2).
When the mechanical structure is properly fastened to the base
plate, the fastening elements ensure a safe welding operation.
If the machine is used without the base plate, make sure that it
is positioned safely — including sufficiently far away from flam-
mable and combustible substances — at the components to be
jointed and that any needed means and auxiliaries of support
are indeed used.
When they are not being used and held by the support between
the carriages of the machine, the facing tool and the heating
element have to be inserted by their bars meant to hold them,
into the respective opening of the tabletop support (see draw-
ing to the right).
4.7 Welding
With or without calibrating/zeroing the carriage position (see at the end
of Sect. 4.1), the machine returns to the default screen (see Display 3).
If technical welding parameters or traceability data have to be changed
or entered and this has not been done before, it is still possible at this
point after pressing the STOP/RESET key (see Sect. 4.3 and 4.4). If it
is not needed, the welding process, with the current welding parameters
and traceability data, is started by pressing the START/SET key.
Possibly the welder has to wait for the heating element to
reach the nominal temperature. This would then be indicated
on the screen. If the temperature difference between actual and
nominal is large, an additional delay may occur during which
the final temperature is adjusted.
4.7.1 Facing the Component Butts
The welding process starts by the insertion of the facing tool. The ma-
chine alerts the welder to this next step.
Make sure that the plate carrying the facing tool and the heat-
ing element is set on a surface where it can sit safely and does
not slide throughout the entire welding process.
First, the machine asks the operator to insert the facing tool into position 1
(see Display 10). This is the position for clamping the components. In
this position the spacer pins of the facing tool do not sit in the recesses
of the clamp bodies in which they are during facing. Slide the facing tool
in-between the carriages of the machine in position 1 and confirm it is in
place by pressing the START/SET key.