Version October 2014
agru SP 63-mobile User’s Manual
Display 12
Insert heating elem.
Display 13
Move clamps together
Move heat.el. right
Display 14
***** Heating ******
25°C Nom. 200N
25°C Act. 201N
50/ 5s
Display 15
*** Change-over ****
Remove heating elem.
25°C Act. 201N
3/ 1s
asks the operator to move the carriages apart in order to allow insert-
ing the heating plate, if facing is o.k., or the facing tool, if it is not and
facing should be repeated. To move the carriage apart, press the
If facing is not o.k. and the repeat-facing message is responded to by
pressing STOP/RESET, the process aborts.
4.7.3 Inserting the Heating Element with or without Preheating
After the alignment/offset check and before the heating element is in-
serted, the cover caps have to be installed to the far ends of the compo-
nents. This corresponding request shows on the screen. When the cover
caps are installed, confirm by pressing the START/SET key.
After that confirmation, use the
cursor keys on the next screen to
select if preheating the component should occur not at all, only at the
right-hand side or on both sides. The confirm this selection by pressing
START/SET. The rationale behind this is that in a pipe-to-fitting joint, the
fitting may have to be heated longer than the pipe end to plasticize.
Preheating requires a preheating time
0 s to be defined in
system memory. Preheating would be ineffective if it were se-
lected now, but a preheating time of 0 s or none at all has been
defined in the material parameters. Therefore, the preheating
selection screen shows only if a preheating time is defined.
With or without preheating selected, the machine tells the welder to insert
the heating element in-between the components (see Display 12).As soon
as it is properly position, the machine recognizes this automatically and
asks the welder to move the mobile clamp/carriage towards the fixed on.
To do this, hold down the
cursor key.
The line “Move heating element (to the) right” shows only if
the option of preheating only the right-hand component was
selected. This requires the heating element to be moved slightly
to the right manually while the machine closes the mobile
carriage in on the fixed one. The machine stops this carriage
earlier to allow for preheating the component in the right-hand
clamp without closing in the other component too much yet on
the heating element. If the welding process was selected to
run without or with both-sides preheating, both components
close in on the heating element simultaneously. The switch
from preheating to the heating stage is automatic.
4.7.4 Heating
In the first welding stage, the pipes close in on the heating element with
the defined welding force and are thereby warmed. The stage starts when
the mobile carriage is moved in on the fixed one (see Display 13).
During the entire duration of the heating stage, the components continue
to soak heat from the heating plate, in order to prepare jointing.
In case of malfunction, the welding process can be aborted by pressing
STOP/RESET. If the machine detects a malfunction, it aborts welding and
displays an error message as soon as the heating element is removed.
4.7.5 Change-over
10 sec prior to the switch to the change-over stage, the heating
stage screen shows the message “Prepare change-over” and
an audible signal sounds to alert the welder to the imminent
change-over for which he will have only a couple of seconds.
At the end of the heating stage the carriages are moved apart automati-