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:Anapurna M
- Operator Manual
Operations - Changing the parameters
Loading roll media can easily be done by using the next procedure:
Mount your media in the center of the media roll bar. Use the end caps to fix the
position of the roll on the bar. Make sure that the bearing of the roll bar is posi-
tioned on the left side of the printer and put the media roll bar in its holders.
Unwind a part of the media and position it, over the rubber rear roll bar, on the
conveyor belt and switch on the vacuum. If the auto feed system is on, the rub-
ber roller will start to feed media untill it hangs in loop blocking the beam of the
optical sensor.
Position the rear tension bar and make sure that it is
positioned horizontal to keep an even media tension
Go to the front of the engine, switch of the vacuum
and pull the media so you can attach it to the rewind-
er system. The media has to be aligned with the side
of the conveyor belt, so it will run straight. Mount
your media on the front roll bar (attach the left, right
and center of your media) and switch on the front
take-up motor.
Make sure that the distance between the edge of the
media and the edge of the vacuum table is the same
at the front and rear side (difference <1mm).
Position the front tension bar and keep it as horizontal as possible, ensuring an
even tension from left to right. Switch on the vacuum again and the media is
ready to be printed.