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:Anapurna M
- Operator Manual
Operations - Changing the parameters
M4F and the Wasatch working station are configured in the same ip range
(port 5000).
F5 > Nozzle test
Pressing F5 enables you to execute a nozzle test. All nozzles of a specific
head will fire for a few seconds. If you watch closely you can see a cloud of
ink appear underneath the nozzle face. You can choose to test the nozzles of
one head (F1, F2, F4, F5) or all heads at once (press ENTER).
F5 > TAKE UP (operational if the roll to roll system is installed - optional)
If you want to use the roll to roll feature of the :Anapurna M4F, the take up win-
dow will give you access to the controls of the front and rear motor. Use the left
and right arrows to move the cursor from the mode to the direction settings.
You can toggles between AUTO and MANUAL, using the up and down arrows.
The auto setting means that the winder and unwinder motors will be driven
by the optical sensors underneath the print table. In the manual mode, the
motor will be driven by the function keys F2,F,F5 and F6.
This feature toggles between CW and CCW rotation direction of the motor
roller, defining the way motor will turn.
When the mode is set to manual, you can move the
roll to roll system by using the function keys F2, F, F5
& F6. Press and hold down the key for as long as you
want the motor to rotate.
F2 > FRONT CW : the front motor will turn clock
F > FRONT CCW : the front motor will turn counter
clock wise.
F5 > REAR CW :
the rear motor will turn clock wise.
F6 > REAR CCW : the rear motor will turn counter
clock wise.
The function key F6 will give
you access to the paramater set-
ting menu. This menu contains
general printer setup and print
controls. You can save up to 10
different sets of parameters.
If you press F1 to load up a
set of parameters, you can
only choose between the
numbers which have a set
available. Use the up and
down arrow to toggle between the different numbers, press ENTER to acti-
vate the selected set.
F4 gives a save command, dedicate a number between 0 and 9 to your set
of parameters. Use the up and down arrow to toggle between the different
numbers, press ENTER to activate the selected set.
The different controls in the second part of the control panel are parameters to
set the printing quality, printing speed and margin values. Use the left and right
arrow to move the cursor between the different controls, press up or down to
change the values. Press enter to save a changed value.