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:Anapurna M
- Operator Manual
Operations - Setting up the :Anapurna M
5. Setting up the :Anapurna M4F.
(the calibration menu)
Before you can access the different settings, make sure that the printer is offline. If not, press
the ‘ESC’ button to swith the :Anapurna M4F offline.
When you press the ‘CALIB.’ button (control panel n° 7), the different calibration settings will
pop up on the screen. By choosing a corresponding function key (F1, F2, F,...), you can change
that parameter.
F1 :
F2 :
F :
F4 :
F5 :
F6 :
In order to achieve the best quality, you have to make sure that these parameters are carefully
set. A deviation in one of these paramters, can cause loss of quality. Make sure the head gap
procedure has been followed before conducting any calibrations.
Feed Adjust (F1).
The feed adjust is the parameter which controls the size of each step the conveyor belt
will move between different print passes. If this settings is too high, white lines will
start to appear between every printing pass. Entering a vaule that is too low, will make
different passes overlap each other. This results in dark lines in your print.
If you want to check the feed adjust, press F1 to enter the feed calibration menu. Select
F2 to start the print. In the first pass the printer will print 2x 4 lines of every color. Every
pass that follows, a new line will be printed besides one of the first 4. In case that the
printed lines are not aligned as one line, you need to adjust the feed value.
Carriage Release (F2).
You can unlock the shuttle by pressing F2. The servo motor will be turned off and you
can move the shuttle by hand. If you want to switch the servo motor back on, choose
F1 ‘servo on and home check’. The shuttle will reposition itself in the home position.
Factory setting (F3).
In this menu the head voltage, etc. are managed. This setting is protected with a pass-
word and can only be accessed by a service engineer.
Hori. Adjust (F4).
The horizontal head-to-head calibration is a tool to align the colored printheads in ref-
erence to the black head. It is a software parameter that controls the timing of the fir
ing of the heads.
If the left line is printed higher then the right line:
decrease the feed value.
If the left line is printed lower then the right line:
increase the feed value.
size test chart: 1 x 8 cm