:Anapurna M
- Operator Manual
Stay ahead. With Agfa Global Services.
Operations - Changing the parameters
6. Changing the parameters.
(the main menu)
The main menu gives you information about the selected printing strategy. It also allows to
change certain parmaters like roll to roll or rigid settings, u.v. lamp settings,...
Information bar.
On the top of the main menu, you find different parameters telling you something about
the selected printing options:
LOCAL / HOST : The printer control mode tells you which parameters are going
to be used. If the printer is set on host, the parameters coming out of the the
Wasatch SoftRIP will be respected. If the local mode is selected, the setting
information coming out of the Wasatch SoftRIP will be overruled and will be
replaced by the settings determined on the :Anapurna M4F itself.
BI / UNI : In the bi-directional mode, the printer will be print in two directions:
from left to right and from right to left. In uni-directional mode, the shuttle will
return to home position without printing. The drops are only fired when the shut
tle moves from left to right.
Q4P : The number of passes are related to quality mode that was selected. It are
the number of passes that the shuttle needs to complete one printing line (720
dpi = Q4P / 1440 dpi = Q8P).
S10 : The speed of the shuttle can be changed by a value between 1 (slow) and
10 (fast). The default setting S10 is the most optimized speed. Decreasing the
speed will not provide better quality and will only limit your production capac-
1597mm : The standard setting will be 1597mm, which is the maximum print-
ing width of the :Anapurna M4F. If you change the media width in the Wasatch
SoftRIP f.e. to 1000mm, the control panel will display this value (if the control
mode is set to HOST)
tcp / TCP : The tcp parameter gives you information about the status of your LAN
communication link. If TCP is displayed in capital letters, data is being received
by the printer. Lower case letters mean that the printer is waiting for data.
[KCMY] / [kcmy] : The condition of the sub ink tanks are indicated by the letters
KCMY. Every sub ink tank (color) has its own sensor and if the letter of corre-
sponding color is displayed as a capital, the sub ink tank contains enough ink. If
the level in the sub ink tank is too low, a lower case letter will appear. Normally,
the corresponding pump will start pumping new ink into the sub ink tank.