about 301
Match Color command
adjusting color with 303
matching color between layers 302
matching colors 301
matte color
choosing 239
Matting commands
Defringe command 327
Remove Black Matte
command 327
Remove White Matte
command 327
Maximum filter 358
Measure tool 59
about 59
angle of rotation 55
changing units used for 59
using cropping marquee 55
using Line tool 55
Median filter 358, 520
median pixel values 278
Memory Usage preference 117
memory, freeing 78
customizing 65
deleting a set of 66
turning colors on or off 66
viewing hidden items in 66
Merge Channels command 441
Merge Spot Channel option 445
Merge To HDR command 202, 203
Merge Visible Layers command 409
adjustment or fill layers 426
all visible layers 409
channels 441
layers 408
stamped layers 409
MESSAGE HTML element 589, 593
about 95, 686
adding to documents 98
adding to web images 634
appending 100
applying as templates 100
editing 97
preferences for 98
replacing 100
searching for, in Version Cue 137
specifying types to display in
Metadata panel 98, 99
templates 99
viewing 97
Metadata Focus command 82
Metadata panel 96
metadata, specifying types to display
in Metadata panel 99
Mezzotint filter 521
midtones, adjusting with Levels 285
migrating to Adobe Version Cue
2.0 159
Minimum and Maximum filter 526
modal controls 733
blending modes, color
Modify Lossiness Setting dialog
box 645
Modify Quality Setting dialog
box 646
moiré patterns in printing 721
about 568
mojisoroe 565
monitor profiles 263, 264, 265
adjusting display 230
cross-platform differences
between 230
Photoshop and ImageReady
differences 230
monochrome, converting to 313
Mosaic filter 521
Mosaic Tiles filter 525
Motion Blur filter 516
Move To Recycle Bin command 89
Move To Trash command 88, 89
Move tool 329
movies 671
QuickTime 683
keyboard shortcuts for 765
layers 402
paths 464
selections 328
shapes 464
slices 579
MTX files 677
Multichannel mode
about 229
and deleted channels 442
using type 532
multiple copies.
Multiply mode 487
Navigator palette 52
negatives, creating 312
Neon Glow filter 515
New Color command 639
New command 191
New Folder command 89
New Layer Based Image Map Area
command 591
New Layer Based Slice command 574
New Project command 123
New Snapshot button 75
New View command 54
New Window command 81
No Label command 90
No Rating command 91
No Working Copy file status, in
Version Cue 128
in brushes 484
in camera raw images 218
noise dither 637
noise gradients 495
Noise filters 520
None privilege, in Version Cue 169
nonprintable colors 246
nonsquare pixels 704
Normal mode 487
Normal state, for rollovers 604
Note Paper filter 523
NTSC Colors filter 525