User Guide
See also
“To view alternates from Bridge” on page 149
“To view alternates” on page 149
To use the Make Alternates command
You can perform this task only if you have access to the full Version Cue feature set, available in Adobe Creative
Suite or in a shared workspace. See “Availability of Version Cue features” on page 113 for more information.
When you use the Make Alternates command, you can make different files alternates of each other in an alternates
group. You can select multiple files from more than one folder to make alternates.
In Illustrator, InCopy, InDesign, or Photoshop choose File > Open.
Navigate to the project containing the files you want to make alternates.
Shift-click or Control-click to select the files you want to make alternates. To view files in more than one folder,
click the triangle to the left of the folder name.
Right-click (Windows) or Control-click (Mac OS) one of the selected files, and then choose Make Alternates from
the menu.
Although it is possible to reveal files in different projects by using the disclosure triangles, only files within a single
project can be made alternates of each other.
See also
“To view alternates from Bridge” on page 149
“To view alternates” on page 149
To make alternates in Bridge
You can perform this task only if you have access to the full Version Cue feature set, available in Adobe Creative
Suite or in a shared workspace. See “Availability of Version Cue features” on page 113 for more information.
When you make alternates in Bridge, you can make different files alternates of each other in an alternates group.
Alternates are not available in Acrobat 7.
To make alternates in Bridge, do one of the following:
To make alternates from files in one folder in Bridge, navigate to the project containing the files you want to make
alternates. In the Bridge window, Shift-click or Control-click to select the files you want to make alternates and
choose Tools > Version Cue > Make Alternates.
To make alternates from files in multiple folders in Bridge, navigate to the project containing the files you want to
make alternates, and click Alternates View in the upper right corner of the Bridge window. (If Alternates View
doesn’t appear, click Versions and Alternates View in the lower right corner of the window.) Choose File > New
Window, and navigate to a different folder in the same Version Cue project. Shift-click or Control-click to select
the files you want to make alternates, and drag them to the right of the larger thumbnail showing the file being
viewed in the Alternates view of the first Bridge window.
To make alternates from a past version of a file in Bridge, navigate to the project containing the file you want to
make an alternate. Right-click the file and choose View. When the file opens in its native application, choose File >
Save As, and either save the file in a different folder or change the file name. Select Alternates, and then click Save.