User Guide
If you’ve configured the Version Cue Workspace to be visible to others in the Version Cue Administration utility, you
don’t need to create and assign Version Cue user names to let other Adobe Creative Suite or WebDAV users access
your Version Cue projects and the Version Cue Workspace. The users simply need either to be on your subnetwork
or be given the Version Cue Workspace IP or DNS address and port number. After a user accesses the Version Cue
Workspace without using a Version Cue user name, the user name for the user’s own computer is automatically
added to the list of users in the Version Cue Workspace, and the password is left blank.
If you’ve configured the Version Cue Workspace so it grants access only to existing users, you’ll need to create Version
Cue user names to let other Adobe Creative Suite or WebDAV users access your Version Cue projects and the Version
Cue Workspace.
To create new Version Cue user names
To create new user names in a Version Cue Workspace, you need system administrator privileges.
Log into the Version Cue Administration utility.
Do one of the following:
From the Home page, click Add A User.
Click the Users tab, and then click New in the content frame.
In the New User content frame, choose the level of access to give the user from the Admin Access Level menu:
Denies the user access to the Version Cue Workspace Administration utility, however, the user can access
Version Cue projects while working in an Adobe Create Suite component.
Gives the user access to some administrator privileges, such as viewing other users’ information, creating new
projects, and backing up and restoring projects.
System Administrator
Grants the user all privileges.
Type the user’s name in the User Name box.
Type a unique login in the Login box. The login is needed in Adobe Creative Suite components, if a project
requires it, to log into the Version Cue Workspace Administration utility.
Type a password for the user in the Password box, and type it again in the Verify Password box.
(Optional) Type a phone number, an e-mail address, and comments in the remaining text boxes. Make sure to
enter an e-mail address if the user will participate in Version Cue PDF reviews and will receive invitation e-mails.
To define the user’s project access, choose the user’s project privileges next to each project name in the Privileges
column. To give the user the same privileges for every project, choose an option from the Set All To menu.
To let a user publish a project to a specified FTP or WebDAV server, select the check box in the Publishing
Privilege column next to the project name.
Click Save.