Adobe Version Cue Administration
about 156
deleting projects in 163
duplicating projects in 163
editing project properties 163
exporting projects 164
setting workspace preferences 158
Adobe Version Cue projects
adding files to 131
backup and restoration 165
connecting to remote projects 120
copying 164
copying and moving files
between 133
creating and editing 122
disconnecting from 138
displaying information about 122
opening 119
opening files in 129
properties 162
restricting access to 167
sharing 126
synchronizing 152
using lock protection in 162
working copies 118
Adobe Version Cue Workspaces
changing the display of 121
creating user IDs in 168
deleting shortcuts 137
displaying information about 171
logs 158, 171
renaming 158
restarting 116
setting preferences for 116
airbrush 484
alert messages, hiding and
showing 69
Align Layers command 403
Align Slices command 582
Align To Selection command 403
See also
Snap command
image maps 595
layers 403
linked layers 330
selections 317
shapes 465
slices 582
Alignment buttons 403
All Caps command 554, 555
all caps, in type 554
All Channels View of Histogram
palette 276
Allow Non-Linear History option 75
alpha channels
See also
about 339, 438
adding texture with 530
appearance of selected pixels
in 439
calculating 446
converting to spot channel 444
creating 342
deleting 442
file formats for saving 438
file size of 438
in JPEG 2000 files 667
loading a saved selection from 345
options for 344
saving 655
saving selection in 344
ALT HTML element 589, 593
alternate glyphs
about 546
in OpenType fonts 556
groups, in Version Cue 151
in Version Cue 148
making primary 150
making, in Bridge 151
moving to another alternates
group 152
removing 150
saving, in Version Cue 149
viewing, in Bridge 149
viewing, in Version Cue 150
anchor points
adding 466
converting 467
creating 458, 466
deleting 466
brush option 477
global lighting 420
Angled Strokes filter 518
Angular Gradient tool 493
animated GIFs
animated GIFs in rollover state 611
Animation As Files command 672
animation frames
See also
adding layers to 620
copying and pasting 617
disposal method for 620
editing 616, 617
exporting as files 676
flattening into layers 621
tweening 618
Animation Frames As Files
command 676
Animation palette 615
See also
animation frames
about 614
adding frames to 615, 616
changes to Frame1 or Normal State
in 613
creating 614, 623
delay time 620
deleting 617
editing layers in 613
frame delay 620
importing files as 623
looping 619
opening files as 623
opening QuickTime movies as 624
optimizing 622
previewing 621
saving 622
about 687
adding 687
audio 688
creating 688
deleting 689
editing 689
importing 688